Is Speech Therapy Worth It For An Adult?


Written by: Nimra Khan / Treatment / July 26, 2023 / 8 minutes read

Speech therapy is commonly associated with assisting children in developing communication skills. However, speech therapy is not limited to children alone. Adults facing speech or communication difficulties can also benefit from the expertise of speech-language pathologists. In 2023, with advancements in research, technology, and the growing understanding of the impact of communication disorders on adult lives, the value of speech therapy for adults has become increasingly apparent. In this article, we will explore the benefits and worth of speech therapy for adults in the present year, highlighting its potential to improve overall quality of life.


The Impact of Communication Disorders on Adults

Communication disorders in adults can manifest in various ways, impacting daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. These disorders may arise from a range of conditions, including stroke, traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's), voice disorders, or speech sound disorders. The consequences of these disorders can be significant, affecting social interactions, job performance, self-esteem, and overall quality of life.

It is crucial to recognize that communication is fundamental to human connection and engagement. Adults facing communication difficulties may experience frustration, isolation, and decreased participation in social and professional settings. Effective communication is essential for maintaining personal relationships, expressing needs and emotions, participating in the workforce, and engaging in various social activities.


The Evolving Role of Speech Therapy for Adults

Speech therapy has evolved to cater to the specific needs of adults with communication disorders. In 2023, speech-language pathologists are equipped with updated knowledge, evidence-based practices, and innovative techniques to address the unique challenges faced by adult patients.

  1. Assessment and Diagnosis: Speech-language pathologists conduct comprehensive assessments to identify the nature and severity of communication disorders in adults. These assessments take into account various factors, such as speech intelligibility, language comprehension and expression, voice quality, fluency, and cognitive-communication skills. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for tailoring individualized treatment plans.

  2. Individualized Treatment Plans: Speech therapy for adults focuses on developing personalized treatment plans that target specific communication goals. These goals may include improving speech clarity, enhancing voice quality, increasing language proficiency, reducing disfluencies, or regaining functional communication skills. Treatment approaches can encompass exercises, techniques, strategies, and technology-based interventions that are customized to address the unique needs of each adult patient.

  3. Rehabilitation After Neurological Conditions: For adults who have experienced strokes, traumatic brain injuries, or neurodegenerative diseases, speech therapy plays a crucial role in their rehabilitation journey. Speech-language pathologists work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to help adults regain communication skills, swallowing abilities, and cognitive-communication functions.

  4. Voice and Swallowing Disorders: Speech therapy is invaluable for adults dealing with voice disorders or swallowing difficulties. Speech-language pathologists provide targeted interventions to improve vocal health, enhance vocal projection, increase vocal stamina, and address issues related to swallowing safety and efficiency.


Benefits of Speech Therapy for Adults

  1. Improved Communication Skills: Speech therapy aims to enhance an adult's ability to communicate effectively. Through targeted interventions, individuals can experience improved speech clarity, increased vocabulary and grammar proficiency, enhanced voice quality, and reduced speech or language-related anxiety. These improvements positively impact personal relationships, social interactions, and professional communication.

  2. Increased Confidence and Self-esteem: As adults make progress in speech therapy, they often experience a boost in confidence and self-esteem. Improved communication skills allow individuals to express themselves more effectively, participate actively in conversations, and engage in social settings with greater ease. Increased confidence can positively influence various aspects of life, including career advancement and social integration.

  3. Enhanced Quality of Life: Communication difficulties can significantly impact an adult's quality of life. Speech therapy offers the opportunity to regain lost communication skills, promoting independence, autonomy, and overall well-being. By overcoming communication barriers, adults can actively participate in social events, pursue career goals, and maintain meaningful relationships.

  4. Adaptation and Compensation Strategies: Speech therapy equips adults with a range of strategies to adapt to their communication challenges. This includes techniques for improving speech intelligibility, managing voice-related concerns, implementing assistive technology, and utilizing compensatory strategies to enhance functional communication skills. These strategies empower adults to navigate communication barriers effectively and maximize their potential for success.

  5. Support in Professional Settings: Effective communication is vital for professional success. Speech therapy can equip adults with the necessary skills to communicate confidently and competently in the workplace. This includes improving articulation, voice projection, presentation skills, and overall verbal and non-verbal communication. Adults who invest in speech therapy can enhance their career prospects, increase their job satisfaction, and establish stronger professional relationships. Read more about how speech therapy can help your career. 

  6. Long-Term Cognitive Benefits: Research suggests a strong connection between communication skills and cognitive health. Engaging in speech therapy can have long-term cognitive benefits, potentially slowing down cognitive decline in individuals with neurodegenerative diseases and contributing to overall brain health.


Speech therapy is not limited to children alone. Adults facing speech or communication difficulties can also benefit from the expertise of speech-language pathologists.


The Impact of COVID-19 on Communication: Addressing the Challenges and the Role of Speech Therapy

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on various aspects of our lives, including communication. With the implementation of social distancing measures, remote work, and virtual interactions becoming the new norm, individuals have faced unique challenges in maintaining effective communication. This shift in communication dynamics has particularly affected adults, highlighting the importance of addressing these challenges and the potential role of speech therapy in mitigating their impact.

  1. Increased Reliance on Virtual Communication: As face-to-face interactions were limited to reduce the spread of the virus, people turned to virtual platforms for communication. However, virtual communication presents its own set of challenges. Adults may struggle with technological aspects, such as using video conferencing software or navigating online platforms. Additionally, the absence of non-verbal cues and visual context can hinder effective communication, leading to misinterpretation and misunderstandings. Speech therapy can play a crucial role in helping individuals adapt to virtual communication, providing strategies to improve clarity, vocal projection, and non-verbal communication skills in a virtual settings.

  2. Mask-Wearing and Speech Intelligibility: The widespread use of face masks to prevent the transmission of the virus poses challenges for individuals with communication difficulties. Masks can obscure facial expressions, impede lip reading, and dampen the projection of speech. As a result, speech intelligibility may be compromised, making it difficult for others to understand individuals with speech or language disorders. Speech therapy can assist adults in adapting their speech patterns, improving articulation, and developing compensatory strategies to enhance communication efficacy despite mask-wearing. Read more about misarticulation in adults HERE

  3. Social Isolation and Mental Health: The pandemic and associated restrictions have led to increased social isolation and feelings of loneliness among adults. Limited social interactions and reduced opportunities for in-person communication can negatively impact mental health and well-being. Speech therapy can provide a supportive environment for individuals to express their feelings, develop coping mechanisms, and address the emotional impact of social isolation. Additionally, speech-language pathologists can offer guidance on maintaining social connections and developing alternative methods of communication, such as utilizing technology or engaging in virtual social activities.

  4. Impact on Swallowing Function: COVID-19 can have significant effects on respiratory and swallowing function, particularly in severe cases or during post-recovery phases. Some individuals may experience dysphagia (swallowing difficulties) as a result of muscle weakness or respiratory complications. Speech therapy can assess swallowing function, provide swallowing exercises, and offer dietary modifications to ensure safe and efficient swallowing, aiding in the recovery and rehabilitation process.

  5. Long COVID and Cognitive-Communication Challenges: Long COVID, characterized by persistent symptoms after the acute phase of the illness, has been reported in some individuals. Cognitive-communication challenges, such as memory difficulties, attention deficits, and word-finding problems, can arise as a consequence of the illness. Speech therapy can provide strategies to improve cognitive-communication skills, memory enhancement techniques, and functional compensatory strategies to mitigate the impact of these challenges on daily functioning.

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted communication, presenting challenges for adults in various aspects of their lives. Speech therapy has a vital role to play in addressing these challenges and supporting individuals in adapting to the new communication landscape. By providing strategies, exercises, and emotional support, speech-language pathologists can empower adults to overcome the hurdles of virtual communication, mask-wearing, social isolation, swallowing difficulties, and cognitive-communication challenges. As we navigate through the pandemic and its aftermath, speech therapy remains an essential resource for adults seeking to enhance their communication skills, maintain social connections, and improve overall well-being in the face of unprecedented challenges. You can read more about this topic HERE



In 2023, the value of speech therapy for adults is evident. With its focus on personalized treatment plans, evidence-based interventions, and innovative approaches, speech therapy can significantly improve communication skills, boost confidence, and enhance the overall quality of life for adults with communication disorders. Whether recovering from neurological conditions, managing voice or swallowing disorders, or striving for professional success, adults can benefit from the expertise and support provided by speech-language pathologists. Investing in speech therapy is an investment in effective communication, personal growth, and improved well-being in the dynamic landscape of 2023 and beyond. If you’re interested in working on skills on your own, take a look at our Communication Wellness Course, all completed online.


To speak with one of the speech-language pathologists at Well Said: Toronto Speech Therapy, schedule an initial consultation by clicking the link below or calling (647) 795-5277.