Posts tagged services
WELL SAID Provides IFHP Coverage

Voice is produced by the vibration of vocal folds. The vocal folds are 2 bands of muscular tissue that are situated in the voice box or larynx. The vibrations of the vocal folds change the streams of air from the lungs to voice. In ideal speaking situations, this process is appropriate and the vocal folds stay healthy. But in non-ideal situations like vocal abuse and vocal misuse, the vocal folds are not healthy and this causes voice disorders.

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Are You Having Difficulty With The ‘L’ Sound?

Often I have a lot of clients telling me that they are having difficulties with the ‘L’ sound. So why is it so hard to say the ‘L’ in words in English such as ‘ball’, when you already have this sound in your language as well? The reason is because there are differences in how we pronounce the ‘L’ sound in English.

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/S/ and /Z/ Sounds: Are You A Dipper Or Tipper?

As a Speech Pathologist working in an adult clinic, I often get asked what the difference is between a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist. In order to find and pick the right person to see, you have to have a good understanding of what each profession does.

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Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Or Psychotherapist

As a Speech Pathologist working in an adult clinic, I often get asked what the difference is between a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist. In order to find and pick the right person to see, you have to have a good understanding of what each profession does.

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SLP vs OT vs PT: What’s The Difference?

Speech-Language Pathology (SLP), Occupational therapy (OT), and Physical therapy (PT) are all types of rehabilitation therapy. Rehabilitation therapy provides assessment and treatment for people to help regain their function whether it be there speech/language, physical, or everyday life skills. Here we will discuss each individual therapy and the similarities and differences between all three professions.

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