Top 5 Best And Worst Small Talk Topics


Written by: Laura Janzen / Communication Coaching / September 09, 2020 / 8 minutes read


The Art of Chit Chat

Many people feel uncomfortable when faced with a situation that requires them to engage in small talk. However, this type of interaction pops up in our daily lives all the time. Whether you are getting your hair done, catching up with co-workers or networking at a social event, the ability to hold a comfortable casual dialogue is a critical skill to possess. We’ve all experienced the awkward interactions and painfully long silences that occur when small talk goes wrong. So how can you master the art of chit chat and feel confident entering your next casual conversation? Let’s begin by exploring what exactly is small talk. 


WHAT is Small Talk?

Small talk is friendly, casual dialogue about light, easy, relatable topics. This type of interaction is typically quite short and does not dive in to deep subjects or personal matters. Small talk is different from in-depth conversations which have a purpose and a direction. 


WHO is it with?

You can make small talk with anyone, but it typically occurs with someone you've just met or don't know very well. Other potential small talk partners could include co-workers, customers/clients, superiors and/or subordinates at your workplace.


WHEN do we use it?

We use small talk in situations where we want to make the other person comfortable and develop rapport with them, but where in-depth and personal conversations would be inappropriate.


Small talk is friendly, casual dialogue about light, easy, relatable topics. This type of interaction is typically quite short and does not dive in to deep subjects or personal matters.


The 5 Best Small Talk Topics: 

  1. Weather – Although it may seem mundane, the weather is safe topic that will always be relatable to everyone. Is it raining outside? Is there a heatwave in the forecast? Look no further than out your window for this easy chit chat classic. 

  2. Work – Asking how long someone has been in their current position or how they got into their field shows that you are interested in them and is a great opportunity for networking. 

  3. Travel –Talk about vacation plans, where they have been or where they want to go. In this category you can also talk about traffic or how easily they found the location where you are meeting. 

  4. Hobbies: What books are they reading? Do they have a favourite restaurant the area? Have they seen any good movies lately or watched that popular show on Netflix? Discussing what someone does with their free time is an easy way to start a casual interaction and you might get a great recommendation in the process! 

  5. News – Be aware of what's going on in your local news and ask their opinion. “Did you hear about ____” is a great opener to fill that awkward silence and get someone talking. 


The 5 Worst Small Talk Topics

  1. Money – Talking about salaries, bonuses or anything financial is considered by most to be inappropriate and intrusive and should not be asked about when engaging in small talk.

  2. Politics or Religion – Controversial or sensitive topics where people hold strong beliefs and opinions should not be discussed in casual interactions. Avoid bringing up politics and religion so you don’t risk ending up in a heated debate. 

  3. Sex – Asking questions of a sexual or intimate nature are inappropriate and likely to make everyone in the room uncomfortable. Avoid sexual innuendos or jokes if you want to be successful in making small talk.

  4. Health and Death – Stay away from potentially upsetting topics surrounding recent bereavements, health scares or chronic problems. Asking about someone’s sick relative or their physical health could cause your interaction to come to a tearful end. 

  5. Age or Appearance – Asking another person’s age is typically considered rude in a small talk situation. Similarly, it’s important to avoid questions or comments about someone’s appearance. Don’t ask if someone is expecting or if they have lost weight, you never know the cause of the weight gain/loss and you might get yourself in a very uncomfortable situation. 


In Summary

The best topics for successful small talk are those to which everyone can relate and that won’t cause anyone to be upset or offended. Choosing the wrong topic can quickly lead to discomfort, awkwardness and have the potential to damage both personal and professional relationships. Learning to converse casually can help you gain confidence so you can start interactions, make connections and develop your social and professional network. Stick to the safe topics outlined above and you can make a big impact with small talk! 


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