Reinvigorate Your Speech Therapy Goals After A Summer Break


Written by: Nimra Khan / Treatment / September 13, 2023 / 8 minutes read

The summer break is a time for relaxation, exploration, and rejuvenation. It's a time when many of us take a step back from our regular routines and immerse ourselves in the joys of warm weather, vacations, and outdoor activities. For those who continued their speech therapy during the summer, there are benefits to that as well. While this break is essential for recharging our batteries, it can sometimes make it challenging to pick up where we left off, especially when it comes to speech therapy goals. However, fear not! In this blog post, we'll explore effective strategies to help you get back into your speech therapy goals after the summer break. Read more about communication skills and their importance.


1. Reflect on Your Progress

Before diving back into speech therapy, take a moment to reflect on your progress up to this point. Consider the goals you've set and the achievements you've made. Reflecting on your journey so far can help you regain your motivation and sense of purpose as you return to therapy.

If you have a speech therapist, schedule a session to discuss your progress and set new goals for the upcoming months. This proactive approach will ensure you're aligned with your therapist and ready to tackle your speech challenges head-on. Many of my clients have a little bit of insurance coverage left, which is also okay as appointments can be spread out to meet your financial needs.


2. Set Realistic and Specific Goals

After a break, it's crucial to set clear and attainable goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound (SMART goals). Setting realistic expectations for yourself or your loved one will make it easier to track progress and stay motivated.

For instance, instead of a vague goal like "improve speech," a specific and measurable goal could be "pronounce the 'r' sound correctly in words with 'r' clusters." This specificity allows you to focus your efforts and measure success more effectively. Your speech-language pathologist will also help guide you on these goals.


3. Create a Structured Schedule

Summer often disrupts our routines, which can make it challenging to get back into the swing of things. To overcome this hurdle, create a structured schedule for your speech therapy sessions. Consistency is key when it comes to making progress in speech therapy, so set aside dedicated time each day or week for practice.

Consider using a calendar or a digital reminder app to help you stick to your schedule. Setting regular appointments with your speech therapist, if applicable, can also provide the necessary structure and accountability.


4. Start Slowly and Build Momentum

Jumping back into speech therapy with full intensity might be overwhelming. Instead, ease back into your routine gradually. Start with shorter, less challenging exercises and gradually increase the complexity and duration as you regain your confidence and skills.

This incremental approach not only prevents burnout but also allows you to build momentum over time, increasing your chances of long-term success. Speak with your speech-language pathologist about daily challenges in your schedule and discuss how you can change exercises to fit your lifestyle.


If you have a speech therapist, schedule a session to discuss your progress and set new goals for the upcoming months. This proactive approach will ensure you're aligned with your therapist and ready to tackle your speech challenges head-on.


5. Make Practice Fun and Engaging

Speech therapy doesn't have to be monotonous or boring. In fact, making it enjoyable can enhance your motivation and engagement. Try incorporating games, creative activities, or interactive apps into your practice sessions. This can make the learning process more entertaining and help you stay committed to your goals. Consider it similar to how you might modify cardio exercises to what you enjoy in order to make It more likely that you complete it.


6. Seek Support and Accountability

Getting back into your speech therapy goals is easier when you have a support system in place. Share your goals with family members or friends who can provide encouragement and accountability. You can even involve them in your practice sessions to make it a group effort.

If you face challenges in involving family or friends, speaking aloud to pets can also be a helpful way to ‘pretend’ you’re having a conversation. Again, discuss these hurdles with your speech-language pathologist to find creative ideas that can make practice easier for you.


7. Embrace Patience and Self-Compassion

Progress in speech therapy, like any skill development, takes time. It's essential to be patient with yourself or your loved one and practice self-compassion. Acknowledge that there may be setbacks along the way, but don't let them deter you from your goals. Progress doesn’t always look like a vertical line up, but can have moments that feel slower. 

Celebrate even small victories, as they are important milestones on your journey to improved speech. Remember that everyone progresses at their own pace, and comparing yourself to others is not productive. I’ve found many clients hesitate to report that they haven’t been able to practice in-between and feel really badly about this – but therapy sessions are meant to support and motivate you, so it’s good to give yourself some compassion and speak honestly about how you’d like to change habits for the future!



Returning to your speech therapy goals after a summer break may seem daunting, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can pick up where you left off and continue your journey toward improved speech and communication skills. Reflect on your progress, set clear goals, establish a structured schedule, and make practice engaging. Seek support and be patient with yourself, and soon you'll find yourself making strides in your speech therapy journey. If you’re unsure, read about if speech therapy is worth it for an adult. For working on your goals at your own pace, view our Communication Wellness Masterclass


To speak with one of the speech-language pathologists at Well Said: Toronto Speech Therapy, schedule an initial consultation by clicking the link below or calling (647) 795-5277.